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Quiet, calm bath on the Southern Plain

The 76 ° C warm thermal water of the Hódmezővásárhely Bath comes from a depth of 2200 m, and is rich in low hardness, alkaline bicarbonates. The Welfare Ministry has declared it medicinal water.   The mineral content is 2190.525 mg per liter. This medicinal water is the basis for the more than 75-year-old spa […]

Sights and attractions in Hódmezővásárhely

Hódmezővásárhely municipal town city has been inhabited since the prehistoric ages. Nearly six thousand years old fossil-assemblages were revealed near the town. The town and its surrounding area had been surrounded by Hód-tó (Beaver Lake) and its associated water-system. The population lived from fishing, trade and agriculture. Previously Hód and Vásárhely were two separate villages, […]